Rainbow Weddings Expo This Sunday the 14th

Rainbow Weddings Expo This Sunday the 14th

I’m looking forward to exhibiting at the Rainbow Weddings LGBT Expo this coming Sunday, August 14th! Mariah and I will be there, playing three sets alternating between flute/harp and flute/violin, and available for chatting at our table in between. We’re...
Recent Weddings

Recent Weddings

It’s been a busy wedding season so far! I’m hoping to put up blog entries from recent weddings when I receive pictures from photographers from the June weddings, but in the meantime, here’s a picture I took before Erin and Michael’s wedding...
Wedding Music Articles Available at Vermont Bride Magazine

Wedding Music Articles Available at Vermont Bride Magazine

I’ve been writing quarterly articles for Vermont Bride Magazine for a full year now! You can click here for the article from the Spring 2011 magazine: Putting a Personal Touch to Your Wedding Music: Selecting Unique Music for Your Wedding. All previous articles...

Music Samples Update!

I am in the midst of a series of updates to my music samples. You’ll find that my primary music samples page is now narrower, so that folks of all screen widths can comfortably view the whole width of the page. Also, each group now has one music sampler listed...
Passeri’s Air Times

Passeri’s Air Times

Passeri trio will air in central Vermont on ORCA Media’s channel 15 on the following dates and at the following times: Thursday June 2, 2011 at 7:00pm, Friday June 3 at 12:00 and 1:00pm, Saturday June 4 at 11:00am. We recorded on March 7 for ORCA Media’s...

Web and Blog Transitions

Hi Everybody! I’ve got some major web site and blog transitions going on at www.lisaflute.com – hoping to get things more organized and easier to access. Let me know what you think! Hoping to organize the pages and posts a little more soon, but have...