I am in the midst of a series of updates to my music samples. You’ll find that my primary music samples page is now narrower, so that folks of all screen widths can comfortably view the whole width of the page. Also, each group now has one music sampler listed on this page, in addition to YouTube videos – each represents a relatively wide range of styles, ranging from about 1 minute to a bit over 3 minutes in length. This allows a broader sampling, including some brief samples of pop styles. You can also click the picture for a page which allows access to a larger selection of that group’s individual samples.
I’m hoping that this combination makes for easier browsing, both in comparing sounds from one group to another, and in accessing pages more quickly – without the wait for downloading. You’ll also find an increased number of sound samples for some groups, and if you keep checking back you’ll find more!
On the YouTube front, do check out the lisaflutevermont channel! I’ve recently added Passeri’s recordings of all three movements of Haydn’s London Trio in C Major. You’ll also find flute/harp and flute/violin videos, and if you keep checking back you’ll find more over the course of the next few weeks.
Please let me know if you find this helpful or if you have any challenges that I’d be able to address to make the process more enjoyable!