Introducing The Green Mountain Flute Choir!
During the school year of 2013-2014, I will be starting to build a consistent group of flute ensembles of a variety of levels for all ages and levels of flutists. The flute choirs for adults and advanced teens will be called The Green Mountain Flute Choir. (For more about flute ensemble options for pre-teens and intermediate level teens, click here for Green Mountain Youth Flutes or here for Suzuki Flute Group Classes). Rehearsals will take place at 18 Langdon Street, Montpelier VT, second floor, Suite #4.
The mission of the Green Mountain Flute Choir is:
- To provide opportunities for flutists of all levels to experience what is among the most ultimate of human experiences, the joy of making music with others.
- To provide ensemble placements of comparable ability level to ensure the most exhilarating, comfortably challenging, and inspiring experience for all.
- To build a sense of community among flutists of all levels.
- To provide an opportunity for flutists to hone their playing and ensemble skills, including advancing in awareness of details of tone, intonation, musical interaction, rhythm, and details of musical nuance that will challenge and expand capability.
- To provide an opportunity that will inspire flutists to hone their playing skills
- To perform in the community and to find avenues for our music that will enrich others and give back to the larger community that supports us.
- To spread the contagious spirit of the joy of flute playing.
- To have fun together!
As of this writing, in July of 2013, I am in the beginning stages of recruitment efforts. It is my sincere wish to have appropriate levels of flute choir placement opportunities as outlined below. Placement will be by informal audition – no need to worry! We’ll have a comfortable duet reading session, or you can play something you enjoy – this will not be to judge you, and I may take your verbal feedback about any nerves into account in determining placement. My only goal will be to ensure the greatest enjoyment and appropriate level of challenge for everyone involved. With that in mind, my long term goals for ensemble levels are as follows:
- Intro to flute choir: for adult flutists who experience significant challenges with rhythm and/or tone but are interested in playing together as their skills develop
- Fledgling Flute Choir: for adult flutists who have a pretty good capability regarding rhythm, can sight read simple duets, play in several keys, have a basic capability in the area of tone production and some awareness of intonation issues
- Allegro Flute Choir: For adults and teens who are advanced technically, but not necessarily as advanced in tone development; this group will play some technically challenging material for fun, but will also play slower and simpler music while working toward tone and intonation development and ensemble skills
- Cantabile Flute Choir: For intermediate adults and teens with well developed tone who are becoming confident with intonation, and fairly confident rhythmically; this group need NOT necessarily be as advanced technically as the Allegro Flute Choir, and repertoire might not be technically advanced, but this group will likely reach greater heights of overall sound and musical expression and detail than the Allegro Flute Choir
- Concert Flute Choir: For advanced adults (and possibly very advanced teens) who are at a pre-professional level in terms of tone development, intonation control, rhythmic confidence, sight reading skills, and musical expression.
In the beginning stages, I will start a group with as few as three flutists of compatible levels. Timing of rehearsals will be determined by consultation with those group members. It is my hope to occasionally combine some groups for large group rehearsal and performing experiences. Please check back for updates!
I am also hoping to begin a professional level flute choir. Any professional flutists who may be interested in this, please let me know! This group would evolve as we go, based on membership interests. I hope to be posting updates about this possibility as it evolves!
My daughter has been playing flute in her band at school for 2 years. She also plays violin with GMYS, so she is busy, but I wondered how often your teen ensemble would meet? It sounds like a really fun idea. Please let us know when they will be getting together and the costs.
Thank you,
Jan Gillen
Thanks for your interest! I have replied to Jan by direct email, but to anyone else reading: I will be updating this shortly with more detail once I’ve confirmed timing with all involved – and am somewhat open on timing of the rehearsals based on availability of those involved. More soon on that!
Lisa I am interested in the flute choir….
Yay – thanks Denise! I just sent you an email – I look forward to hearing back about the options!