Spread the word for the Seven Stars Arts Center’s Summer Celebration!
June 25th from 5-9pm
5126 VT Rt 14
*Open House
*Localvore potluck 5-7 (We will provide food, but bring a dish if you can)
*Silent Auction Items
*SafeArt Exhibit
*Contradance with Old Sam Peabody with Delia Clark calling from 7-9
Donations greatly appreciated for our building exterior painting project: gofundme.com/sevenstarspainting
Presented in partnership with
BALE: Building a Local Economy: balevt.org
SafeArt: safeart.org
Luna Bleu Farm: lunableufarm.org
(You’ll note that on the map below, the Google Maps location is pinned as “Vermont Independent School of the Arts” – it’s previous name):