Monday September 29, 2014 at “Proud Flower” in Waterbury –
80 South Main Street, 6:30-8:00 PM
Join us at a workshop for parents of budding musicians – either parents of a child currently taking lessons on any instrument OR parents who are considering music lessons for their child – OR anyone interested in the subject or in the performance! My friend and current student, Nina Towne, will be hosting this workshop at her lovely flower shop – Proud Flower in Waterbury. We’ll include a mini-concert among the flowers, and there will be snacks and wine. My hope is to help parents to make the most of their role in their kids’ musical lives to accentuate the development of self-esteem, self-discipline, willingness to take on and persevere through challenges, musical capability, and other parallel capabilities, through their family’s instrumental music study.
Questions to be addressed:
- why is it so difficult to get my child to practice?
- how can I encourage my children to practice without leaving them feeling pressured?
- what age is a good age to start music lessons?
- under what circumstances are private music lessons for young children appropriate?
- what’s a reasonable expectation of how much my child should be practicing and progressing?
- is there a way of approaching the practice issue in a way that leads to bonding instead of division?
- what are the advantages and possible disadvantages to starting children in instrumental music study at different ages?
There is no single answer for these questions that fits every family, but the workshop will cover a number of topics that will help guide you toward troubleshooting or better understanding what best suits and helps your family. There will also be time for Q&A. There is a $10 fee to cover Nina’s expenses for wine and snacks.
You may wish to check out my Facebook Event Page as well at
Here’s more information about additional workshops to be held a Proud Flower this fall and winter: